Celeb Mix's Unsigned Artist of the Week- Next Stop Mars.

This week we have selected London based pop-rock band Next Stop Mars to be our featured artist. There are a million reasons we can give as to why Next Stop Mars are worthy of our title, from how incredibly good looking each member is to how great their latest single Always is.

Every week Celeb Mix select one unsigned artist to become our ‘Unsigned Artist of the Week’. And this week it is no different.

This week we have selected London based pop-rock band Next Stop Mars to be our featured artist. There are a million reasons we can give as to why Next Stop Mars are worthy of our title, from how incredibly good looking each member is to how great their latest single ‘Always’ is.

Getting to know Next Stop Mars

There are four members of the band; Shanel Jemal (lead vocalist and keyboard player), Denis Jemal (Lead vocals and bass), Dan Kerridge (Guitar) and John Wilson (Drums). The band have been together around two years and in that time have achieved an awful lot, including two incredible single and supporting some brilliant acts. They have also got an army of Martians who support them through it all!

Next Stop Mars are heavily influenced by pop-rock giants like Busted and 5SOS. (They’ve even done amazing covers of ‘On What Your On’ and ‘Good Girls’). However, the band each have their own musical inspirations. Denis is a massive Michael Jackson fan, Shanel is influenced by J-Lo and Dan is a contender for the world’s biggest Guns N Roses fan.

The band have gone from strength to strength within the past two years. Capital TV featured their cover of DNCE’s ‘Cake By The Ocean’. Their covers have a combined viewing of 260,000 on YouTube.

This year so far they have already released two singles, ‘Bad Bitch’ and ‘Always’. With promises of more original music in the future, the band have also written with Chris Bourne.

Fans have been able to meet Next Stop Mars up and down the country on tours with Union J, and opening for George Shelley and Georgia Box at their show cases. On the back of that, Chris Bourne has invited them to be the opening act on his Identity Tour.

We thought there were no better people to tell you why Next Stop Mars are a fantastic band with a long career ahead of them than their fans.

“So why do I love Next Stop Mars? There are several reasons. From Dan’s ability to know exactly the right thing to say to make me smile, Denis’ insanely warm comforting smile, Shanel’s ability to make everyone feel like your her best friend and John’s ability to tell the worst jokes in the world but still be hilarious. As a band I have never met 4 more kind, caring or compassionate people in my life. They are extremely hard working and put every ounce of effort into making the best music they possibly can. Their work ethic will put a lot of bigger artists to shame and I’m so proud of every single one of them.” – Charlie Lawlor on why she loves Next Stop Mars.

New fan Amy Young had this to say about the band;
“Well I love them because their songs have such a good vibe! Like they actually mean something! Also they all work together really well!!! The relationship they have as a band is amazing!”

It’s easy to see why we have selected them to be the Celeb Mix ‘Unsigned Artist of the Week’. The year is set to be huge for Next Stop Mars and we can’t wait to see them go from strength to strength.

We have been obsessed with this band, and we cannot wait to see them on Chris Bourne’s Identity tour. You can catch them on all their social media’s below. Tweet us @CelebMix if you have any unsigned artists you would like us to consider for this title!

