Celebrities Getting Hacked on Twitter and Your Simple Solution

Over the past week something strange has been going down on Twitter. The accounts of many celebrities are getting hacked into! Celebrities such as Lana Del Rey, Katy Perry, Tyler Joseph, Oli Sykes, Chester Bennington, and 5 Seconds of Summer (to name just a few) have been the victims of this weeks celebrity Twitter hacks.

Over the past week something strange has been going down on Twitter….

The accounts of many celebrities are getting hacked into! Celebrities such as Lana Del Rey, Katy Perry, Tyler Joseph, Oli Sykes, Chester Bennington, and 5 Seconds of Summer (to name just a few) have been the victims of this week’s celebrity Twitter hacks.

Other celebrities such as Zoella and Ryan Higa are among the unlucky few who have also gotten hacked.

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So why exactly are these Twitter hacks happening in the first place?

The answer is simple – no one knows why (not even us!). It is said by many sources that the culprit behind these Twitter hacks are in fact the same person…or group of people. We’re not quite sure just how many people are involved in the celebrity hacks.

From mysterious tweets to suspicious DMs to fans, the list goes on when it comes down to what exactly the hacker(s) does when they’re successful in gaining access to said celebrity’s account.

BUT, we have a simple solution to your twitter account problems if you’re worried about your account getting hacked (in other words, life hack 101)!

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Solution #1 – Change Your Password

This solution is probably the easiest and less stressful way of securing your account! It can be done in less than 5 minutes and takes no effort at all (besides thinking of a new password).

Always keep these things in mind when creating a new password:

-DO use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
-DON’T make your password too obvious (ex: your name, birthday, family member’s name, etc.)
-DO make your password a reasonable length.
-DON’T make your password too short or too long that you won’t be able to remember it.
-DO write down or make a note in your phone of your new password.
-DON’T use the same password as your other social networking accounts.
-ALWAYS remember to never share your account information with anyone (even the people you trust with your life).

Solution #2 – Turn On Login Verification

Believe it or not, with Twitter’s new updates come incredible and useful tools that can help you further secure your account.

This incredible and useful tool that we’re talking about is called Login Verification.

It’s soul purpose is to prevent nasty hackers from getting into your account! Helpful tip: This must be done on a mobile device!

So here’s exactly how to set it up:

Go to Settings > Account > Security.

If you’ve reached this menu, then congrats! You’re one step closer to securing your Twitter account!

Celebrities Getting Hacked on Twitter and Your Simple Solution 1

From there, turn on the switch which will lead you to this option menu:

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Click on the “Confirm” button and wait for Twitter to redirect you to this start menu:

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Once you’ve read what Login Verification can do, click on the “Start” button. Twitter will prompt you to enter in your 10-digit mobile phone number and from there you’ll press “Go”. Twitter will then text you a 6-digit confirmation code (you know, to confirm that the phone number is yours) which you will be required to enter into the text field indicated.

Once you have entered in your confirmation code, you will be asked to screenshot your backup login verification code then redirected back to the Login Verification menu in the Twitter app, where you will have the option of viewing your backup code and temporary password.

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Congratulations! If you’ve followed all the steps above without complications, you have successfully set up Login Verification on your phone, meaning your account is secure from hackers!

Let us know if our solutions to securing your account were helpful and what you think of the recent celebrity Twitter hacks by commenting below or tweeting us @CelebMix.

