Chris Hemsworth to the paparazzi: Youre not a bonus to my career

This isnt a repeat, I swear. I checked! Chris Hemsworth covered the January issue of GQ (USA) and now hes on the February cover of GQ Australia. I dont think the photoshoot is a repeat either, I just think Hemsworth looks the same in nearly every photoshoot, especially when the shoots are probably only weeks


This isn’t a repeat, I swear. I checked! Chris Hemsworth covered the January issue of GQ (USA) and now he’s on the February cover of GQ Australia. I don’t think the photoshoot is a repeat either, I just think Hemsworth looks the same in nearly every photoshoot, especially when the shoots are probably only weeks apart. So, this is Hemsworth’s February GQ Australia cover. Nice. Not really eventful. Much like the American version. As for the interviews… well, Chris shows some personality and some bitchiness when he’s talking to a hometown press outlet. He’s not giving bland quotes about Matt Damon. This time, he’s complaining about the paparazzi and throwing shade at all of those Hollywood producers and directors who didn’t give a crap about him before Thor, before Rush. Huh.

Stardom didn’t fix his internal issues: “You get to Hollywood, you achieve something and then you realize, ‘S–t, it didn’t actually bring me the happiness I thought it was going to. It didn’t fix anything. Look, I mean I don’t wake up, look in the mirror and go, ‘Yep, all is perfect.'”

He thinks ‘Rush’ was his real big break, not Thor: “Everything shifted for me after Rush. It wasn’t as financially successful as other things I’d done, but it gave me more movement, more options, more doors opening, more meetings. All of a sudden, it’s, ‘Oh, wow! You’re an actor!'”

The superficiality of Hollywood: “It’s bulls–t. I remember how differently people treated me when things went well. Some directors and producers who never gave a s–t—at best, they’d have given me a sideways glance. Next time I saw them, they’re my best friend. That’s gross.” He reveals that he “got more calls and emails” about succeeding Adam Levine as People’s “Sexiest Man Alive” than ever received “about any film” he’s done.

The paparazzi: “When I’m with my kids, and someone is scaring my kids—which is what they’ll do—that gets me fired up. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I get hot. I get flustered. And in the States, they’re there, 24/7, at the gate, six feet away when you take out the rubbish.”

He doesn’t want to complain: “But at the same time, ‘Get f–ked!’ Nah, mate, you don’t have the right to do that. I don’t give a f–k what anyone says—you’re not a bonus to my career.”

Why he moved back to Australia: “You start to think of it as the norm, that this is how people are—and that’s the danger. If this is life, I’m not raising my kids like this.”

[From E! News]

For his comments about the paparazzi… I’ll say what I always say when he bitches about the paps: talk to your wife about that. Elsa made their family into the paparazzi target that they became. Elsa was out there, every day, hustling for Thor and The Avengers, then she dialed it down for Thor: The Dark World. Elsa was the one selling Chris as this nice, decent family man with a baby. And it worked. That’s his image now: happily married family man. And yes, the paparazzi had a lot to do with that. With Elsa’s help.

But what really bugs me is this quote: “I remember how differently people treated me when things went well. Some directors and producers who never gave a s–t—at best, they’d have given me a sideways glance. Next time I saw them, they’re my best friend.” Um, maybe I’m the most jaded person in the world, but why is he whining about this? You’re only as good as your last success or failure. That’s true in Hollywood. That’s true in the business world. That’s true in publishing. That’s true in many, many industries. Why is Chris Hemsworth such a delicate flower? Why is he looking to those directors and producers for validation? And here’s another thought: why SHOULD those directors and producers take him seriously after he’s only proven he can carry a film if Marvel is involved? Who would have thought that Hollywood power players would be *GASP* superficial and dog-eat-dog?


Photos courtesy of GQ Australia.

