Int Region, Third Round, Dog Collar Match: (1) Steve Austin vs. (9) Vader

Duly noted.This tournament isn't about writing the best story. It's about making a realistic argument as to who would win and why. I'm sorry - I like you and I like the way you frame your argument and make your point, but "it could happen because it's awesome when an underdog overcomes the odds" isn't

So what you're saying is that the times Austin failed to overcome the odds occured when he was facing a larger, stronger monster heel in a match that clearly favored the monster heel.

Duly noted.
This tournament isn't about writing the best story. It's about making a realistic argument as to who would win and why. I'm sorry - I like you and I like the way you frame your argument and make your point, but "it could happen because it's awesome when an underdog overcomes the odds" isn't a cogent argument. By that logic, Koko B Ware should win the whole dang thing.

He had every chance to beat Triple H in the 3 Stages of Hell Match (lost that gimmick match), Kane in the First Blood Match (lost that gimmick match), Savio Vega in the Strap Match (lost that gimmick match), Bret Hart in the submission match (lost that Gimmick Match) and The Rock at Wrestlemania 19.

Because it was written that way out of popularity, nothing else. This tournament isn't about choosing the most popular. It's not high school politics.

The same guy who also played hardcore legend Cactus Jack whom Vader decimated all around the world in the Early 90's? Ok, cool!

Vader's beaten him too.

Kinda like how Austin had McMahon at Mania 17?

I've provided you with a few, take your pick. Personally, I like the whole "yanking a chain attached to a guy's once broken neck" argument. It's a good one.

It's easier to pin someone than it is to drag them post to post. If Vader can't incapacitate Austin for 3 seconds...

And Vader's just gonna stand there and let Austin stun him?

And if Vader can beat Sting with the Powerbomb, the Vaderbomb, etc. then he can beat Austin.

