Lili Reinhart to people calling her pregnant: I will never apologize for my body

While out and about with her boyfriend and Riverdale co-star, Cole Spruce, Lili Reinhart was photographed by some fans who posted photos. One of the photos in question was this: | Cole Sprouse, Lili Reinhart, Haley Richardson, Zoey Deutch e Lu Richardson, em New Orleans (27/05).


While out and about with her boyfriend and Riverdale co-star, Cole Spruce, Lili Reinhart was photographed by some fans who posted photos. One of the photos in question was this:

📷| Cole Sprouse, Lili Reinhart, Haley Richardson, Zoey Deutch e Lu Richardson, em New Orleans (27/05).

— Bughead Brasil (@BugheadBR) May 28, 2018

Apparently some people on social media speculated that Lili was pregnant. I’m going to give Lili’s fans the benefit of the doubt and say that they probably wanted to see a baby bump more than anything else. Lili and Cole are darling together and fans must want them to marry and have babies. However, even if the fans’ intentions were pure, it didn’t sit well with Lili and she posted a series of comments on her Instagram Stories to tell folks why:

It’s unfortunate that one unflattering photo of my stomach circulating the internet causes hundreds of people to think that I’m pregnant.

Nope. Not pregnant.

This is just my body. And sometimes I’m bloated. Sometimes and unflattering photo is taken of me. Sometimes I go through periods of time where I gain weight.

My body is something that I will NEVER apologize for.

My body will constantly go through change. And so will yours.
And that’s fine.

So let’s not put so much time and effort into caring about a stranger’s figure.

Double fist-pump to not having to apologize for our bodies and for strangers finding something else to worry about. Lili just admitted to having major self-esteem issues because of her cystic acne. Being scrutinized for her figure must have been hard to take. That’s a cute dress Lili is wearing, I’ll bet she walked out of the house thinking she looked cute, only to return to have that thought stomped on.

Lili’s co-star, Camila Mendes (Veronica Lodge), came to her defense with her own Instagram Story:

Inspired by you @lilireinhart. I feel bloated 24/7, my weight fluctuates constantly — it comes with being a woman and should be celebrated, not criticized.

I used to fear that day that people start publicly criticizing my body and commenting on my weight.

I’ve suffered too much from my own self criticism and wasn’t sure that I could handle it from others. But seeing somebody as beautiful as Lili respond to public scrutiny by preaching and practicing self love is all it takes for me to overcome that fear. Proud to call her my friend. Let’s continue inspiring women to love their bodies.

It’s breaking my heart to hear these beautiful people talking about how much they beat themselves up. Of course they do, Hollywood puts ridiculous standards on everyone but especially women. And on top of that, people feel they have the right to make negative comment on social media about them. I want to take both Lili and Camila’s messages to heart – let’s all embrace ourselves for our personal beauty and screw those who can’t see it.




Photo credit: WENN Photos and Twitter

