Mark Zuckerberg is eating 4,000 calories a day during jiu-jitsu training

Mark Zuckerberg aka Lizard Boy got into martial arts during the pandemic and likes to post about it on Instagram. He even built an octagon in his backyard for practicing, much to his wifes chagrin. Maybe he thinks it makes him look relatable or something. Like, look, billionaires are just like us! They do jiu-jitsu

Mark Zuckerberg aka Lizard Boy got into martial arts during the pandemic and likes to post about it on Instagram. He even built an octagon in his backyard for practicing, much to his wife’s chagrin. Maybe he thinks it makes him look relatable or something. Like, look, billionaires are just like us! They do jiu-jitsu in their backyard too! Anyway, back in June, his training found its way into the headlines after free speech champion Elon Musk challenged him to a “cage match” and he accepted, responding, “Send me location.” As of right now, there’s no details other than it’s maybe happening in Las Vegas and Musk plans to live-stream it on Twitter X. Will their kiddie cage match be sponsored by the letter X? Can Twitter X even handle the amount of traffic that a live-streamed cage match between the two?

Zuck must be taking the match and his opponent very seriously though, because he’s been training so hard that he needs to eat around 4,000 calories a day to keep up. And because he’s facing Ron DeSantis’s biggest fanboy, I guess he figured bulking up on McDonald’s was the way to go.

Mark Zuckerberg is a big fan of the golden arches.

On Tuesday, the Meta co-founder shared a long list of his favorite McDonald’s menu items in a post on Threads, his new platform that rivals X (the company formerly known as Twitter). The Threads post started when McDonald’s asked “y’all want anything from mcdonald’s?”

Zuckerberg, 39, who does jiu jitsu, wrote back: “20 nuggets, a quarter pounder, large fries, Oreo McFlurry, apple pie, and maybe some side cheeseburgers for later?”

UFC Fighter Mike Davis responded to the Threads post and called out his training. “You’re in camp! No Mcdonalds ??,” he wrote.

The tech titan told Davis in response: “Not cutting weight so I need ~4000 calories a day to offset all the activity. And it’s so delicious…”

[From Yahoo]

Rich people, man. I know athletes who are in extreme training mode do need to increase their daily caloric intake, but – and call me crazy – I don’t think 4,000 calories in McNuggets is what his trainer meant. Shouldn’t he be eating protein, vegetables, complex carbs, and healthy fats? Also, who likes the Oreo McFlurry over the M&Ms one? Or the Snickers one?! I bet he doesn’t even like the Shamrock Shake.

For what it’s worth, I do think Zuck was either trolling for attention, had just turned his programming switch to dorky dad humor, or was simply trying really hard to get some free Mickey D’s. Billionaires have weird senses of humor. They’re just like us!

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