Millie Bobby Brown: I like fake trees. Its a huge debate in the house

Millie Bobby Brown loves the holidays. Depending on who you ask, the Christmas holiday season either started on November 1 (cough, Mariah, cough) or right after Thanksgiving. I know some people who have had their trees and decorations up for weeks and others (like us) who are just doing them now. When I was growing

Millie Bobby Brown loves the holidays. Depending on who you ask, the Christmas holiday season either started on November 1 (cough, Mariah, cough) or right after Thanksgiving. I know some people who have had their trees and decorations up for weeks and others (like us) who are just doing them now. When I was growing up, my parents always got a real tree. When Mr. Rosie and I were first living together back in our dating years, we caused a slight scandal by buying an artificial one. At the time, our reasoning was we were living in an apartment with a rambunctious kitten. I just wanted the convenience of having the fake tree that I didn’t have to water and constantly sweep up needles from.

Fast-forward to 2021 when we ponder, “Should we get a real tree now that we’re in a house?” Well, we have now somehow ended up with THREE Christmas trees in one room. It’s absurd but it’s also quite nice. Anyways, back to MBB. She’s a 19-year-old powerhouse and is engaged to Jon Bon Jovi’s son, Jake. From what we’ve seen publicly, Millie and Jake appear to have a healthy, drama-free relationship. But even they cannot escape the usual holiday disagreements. In their case, they are split between types of Christmas trees. In an interview with Eating Well, MBB shared that she likes fake trees while Jake favors the real ones.

EatingWell: What are your holiday plans looking like?

Brown: I love the holidays, it’s definitely my favorite time of year. [My fiancé] Jake’s more into real trees, I like fake trees. It’s a huge debate in the house. I love hot cocoa and my tea, and I love the fire being on. I love it being freezing cold outside and the puppies and dogs are all comfy and cozy. Winter time is definitely my hibernation time, and I absolutely love being able to just be inside with the family.

[From Eating Well]

It’s so relatable that an otherwise drama-free couple debates what type of tree to have in their home. I’m genuinely curious where everyone stands on the real vs. artificial tree debate! That topic reminds me of the “Bringing Back Christmas” song from the excellent musical, Spirited. As I said above, our quest to get a live tree ended up with us now having three trees. It’s ridiculous but it’s also lovely because each tree represents a different part of us. We have the artificial one that hosts all of the homemade and kitschy ornaments, a real one that we use for “fancy” ornaments, and another tiny real tree that the kids pick out to decorate themselves (and thus far they’ve tried to imitate the fancy tree by picking the tiny ball ornaments and very twinkly lights from Target). I know it’s overkill, but honestly, it makes each of us happy and grateful. To me, that’s what Christmas is all about.

Photos credit: Mediapunch/Backgrid, JW / Bang Showbiz / Avalon and via Instagram

