What color eyes does Smokey Robinson have? Motown legend joins Stevie Wonder for memorable Grammys p

American singer Smokey Robinson joined legend Stevie Wonder and country star Chris Stapleton for a memorable performance during the 2023 Grammy Awards. On February 5, 2023, Wonder led a collaborative set during the awards function in Los Angeles to pay tribute to the 82-year-old star and Berry Gordon for MusiCares Persons of the Year.

American singer Smokey Robinson joined legend Stevie Wonder and country star Chris Stapleton for a memorable performance during the 2023 Grammy Awards.

On February 5, 2023, Wonder led a collaborative set during the awards function in Los Angeles to pay tribute to the 82-year-old star and Berry Gordon for MusiCares Persons of the Year.

Stevie Wonder was introduced by Billy Crystal and was later joined by other artists. His performance was backed by the R&B group WanMore as he wowed the audience by singing the Temptations' The Way You Do the Things You Do.

He then switched to the piano to play Smokey Robinson's Tears of a Clown that the duo co-wrote alongside Hank Cosby in 1967.

Robinson, who has blue colored eyes that he inherited from his white French great-grandmother, wore a robin blue suit on stage to entertain the audience.

Twitter was mesmerized by Smokey Robinson's eyes

After Smokey Robinson appeared on the stage for his performance, Twitter was in awe of his eyes. Several users called his eyes "gorgeous" and "pretty."

Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder were later joined by Chris Stapleton to conclude the performance

The special segment at the 2023 Grammy Awards ended with Chris Stapleton joining the duo on stage while donning a cowboy hat with a turquoise stone. The trio jammed together, with Stapleton on guitar, performing on Stevie Wonder's hit song Higher Ground, as the audience enjoyed the legendary performance.

Smokey Robinson and Berry Gordon were also celebrated on the night of the 2023 Grammy Awards with performances from other artists. These included the Isley Brothers, Brandi Carlile, Sheryl Crow, John Legend, Michael McDonald, Dionne Warwick, and Chloe x Halle, among others.

Born on February 19, 1940, Smokey Robinson is a native of Detroit, Michigan.

He is best known for being the frontman and founder of the Motown singing group, the Miracle, and was also the producer and chief songwriter for the group.

Robinson was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1987, and was also presented with the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize in 2016 for his contributions to pop music.

He recorded 26 top forty songs with the Miracles between 1960 and 1970. Robinson released his self-titled album Smokey in 1973, which included the popular ballad Baby Come Close and the song Sweet Harmony.

In 1988, Robinson was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as a solo performer. That same year, he bagged his first Grammy Award for his hit Just to See Her.

In January 2023, Robinson announced his first album since 2009 which is slated to arrive on April 28, 2023. He has only released one song so far titled If We Don’t Have Each Other.

For further live updates on the Grammy Awards, you can check out this link.

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