What was Roman Reigns' suffering succotash promo referenced on SmackDown? Reflecting on the cringey

Roman Reigns is arguably WWE's biggest superstar right now. From being a face that received mixed reactions to becoming a massive heel, The Tribal Chief has had many significant moments in his career. However, between all these moments, there have also been some forgettable ones.

Roman Reigns is arguably WWE's biggest superstar right now. From being a face that received mixed reactions to becoming a massive heel, The Tribal Chief has had many significant moments in his career. However, between all these moments, there have also been some forgettable ones.

One such instance of Roman Reigns' career came in 2015. During the January 9 edition of SmackDown that year, he cut a promo against Seth Rollins. While WWE probably expected the segment to be remembered for the right reasons, things took a turn as The Tribal Chief was heavily trolled for it.

During the promo, Reigns called Seth Rollins a “sniveling little suck-up sellout full of sufferin’ succotash!” At the time, it might have seemed Reigns did a great job. However, the Head of the Table was trolled massively for it and is made to be remembered the same even today.

On the latest episode of SmackDown, LA Knight referenced the Sufferin Succotash promo and took a shot at Roman Reigns.

At Crown Jewel 2023 in Saudi Arabia, Reigns will defend his Undisputed WWE Universal Championship against LA Knight. It will be interesting to see who wins this contest.

Roman Reigns revealed who was the mastermind behind the Sufferin Succotash promo

As mentioned above, the Sufferin Succotash promo became attributed to Roman Reigns whenever someone wanted to troll him. Naturally, this led to questions about who was the mastermind behind this infamous promo. During an interview, Reigns said it was Vince McMahon.

The Tribal Chief first mentioned the direction McMahon gave him before he could cut the promo. Reigns further added that even though he has done some excellent work since then, the Sufferin Succotash promo is something that will always be brought up. Roman Reigns said.

"Vince is like you're saying this and its highlighted, then you're going to say it. And I said some crazy stuff which still follow... like the Sufferin Succotash. I don't even remember. I just remember Suffering Succotash and it was like literally eight years ago. And it will still be brought... I mean I delivered some really good work over the past few years. And they will still be like, 'Sufferin Succotash.'"

While there isn't much Reigns can do about this, the good part for him is that he has come a long way in his career since then. With a championship reign of over 1,000 days, it will be interesting to see how long The Tribal Chief continues at the top.

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