Which Reds pitchers have recorded 200+ strikeouts in a season? MLB Immaculate Grid answers September

Today's MLB Immaculate Grid features the Cincinnati Reds and a statistical achievement. There have been a few players for the Reds who have achieved 200 strikeouts in one season as a pitcher. That's an illustrious total that not many have done. In their entire history, there are just 20 seasons of it.

Today's MLB Immaculate Grid features the Cincinnati Reds and a statistical achievement. There have been a few players for the Reds who have achieved 200 strikeouts in one season as a pitcher. That's an illustrious total that not many have done. In their entire history, there are just 20 seasons of it.

Sonny Gray is one of the more recent entries to this list. Long before he was a Cy Young contender with the Minnesota Twins, he was a top-notch ace for the Reds. In 2019, he recorded 205 strikeouts. At the time of writing, he had been used by 7% of players.

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MLB Immaculate Grid Answers September 28: Which Reds pitchers have recorded 200+ strikeouts in a season?

In that same year, Luis Castillo also achieved this feat. He actually had the ninth-most strikeouts in Reds history with 226. He was an ace, and he will qualify for this prompt.

Here are all the players who recorded 200 strikeouts for the Reds:

  • Mario Soto • 1982 274
  • Jim Maloney • 1963 265
  • Tony Mullane • 1886 250
  • Jim Maloney • 1965 244
  • Johnny Cueto • 2014 242
  • Mario Soto • 1983 242
  • Noodles Hahn • 1901 239
  • Jose Rijo • 1993 227
  • Luis Castillo • 2019 226
  • Tom Seaver • 1978 226
  • Aaron Harang • 2007 218
  • Aaron Harang • 2006 216
  • Jim Maloney • 1966 216
  • Jim Maloney • 1964 214
  • Mario Soto • 1985 214
  • Tyler Mahle • 2021 210
  • Gary Nolan • 1967 206
  • Edinson Volquez • 2008 206
  • Sonny Gray • 2019 205
  • Johnny Vander Meer • 1941 202

Those two along with Johnny Cueto might be too popular to use today. They won't help your rarity score. Homer Bailey was a great pitcher for the Reds, but his career high in strikeouts for Cincinnati was 199. He may come to mind, but he won't work.

Homer Bailey did not quite have 200 strikeouts for the Reds

Also read: Which Reds players have also played for the Twins?

Be sure to check out our other coverage of the MLB Immaculate Grid. This article and others like it can help you answer each and every prompt the Grid has every single day. It can also help you lower your rarity score by a lot.

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